Student Experience

Hebrew & Judaic Studies

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Our curriculum is designed to immerse students in the richness of Jewish tradition, language, and culture, fostering a deep connection to their heritage and a strong sense of Jewish identity.

Hebrew Language

Students are introduced to Hebrew through engaging and interactive lessons that make language learning fun and effective. Our teachers use various teaching methods, including songs and stories, to capture the interest and enthusiasm of young learners. This approach is further enhanced by iTaLAM workbooks, readers, and online games.

We aim for students to achieve proficiency in Hebrew, enabling them to read and understand many types of text, including modern Hebrew that they will encounter in Israel, the Torah, and other significant Jewish writings. This deepens their connection to their heritage and enhances their comprehension of religious studies. 
Students are introduced to Hebrew through engaging and interactive lessons that make language learning fun and effective.

Judaic Studies

Our Judaic Studies curriculum is designed to provide a deep understanding of Jewish beliefs, practices, history, and values. Key components of our Judaic Studies program include:

List of 5 items.

  • Judaic Studies

    Our Judaic Studies curriculum is designed to provide a deep understanding of Jewish beliefs, practices, history, and values. Key components of our Judaic Studies program include:
  • Jewish Holidays

    We celebrate and study the Jewish holidays with great enthusiasm. Students learn about each holiday's historical and religious significance, participate in related traditions and rituals, and develop a meaningful connection to the Jewish calendar.
  • Torah Study

    Students engage in the study of the Torah, exploring its teachings, stories, and ethical lessons. Through age-appropriate discussions and analyses, they learn to apply these timeless principles to their daily lives.
  • Jewish History

    Our curriculum covers the vast expanse of Jewish history, from ancient times to the modern era. Students gain an appreciation for the resilience and contributions of the Jewish people throughout the ages.
  • Jewish Ethics and Values

    Our Judaic Studies program is central to exploring Jewish ethics and values. Students are encouraged to internalize and practice values such as kindness (chesed) and repairing the world (tikun olam).

Jewish Experiential Learning

Celebrations of Jewish holidays create a vibrant environment where students experience the joy and significance of these special times. Students participate in traditions like mishloach manot, delivering gift baskets with hand-written cards to seniors at Menorah Park, and tashlich, symbolically casting away sins into a body of water. Collaborations with Syracuse Hillel enrich our programs, such as making hamentashen and celebrating Sukkot with college students. Hands-on activities like the matzah factory for Pesach and decorating the Jewish Community Center sukkah for Sukkot deepen their connection to Jewish traditions. Our students are excited each year for the SHDS Purim celebration and carnival. Chanukah celebrations include communal events featuring singing, dreidels, and crafts. Every holiday provides a new opportunity for learning, bonding, and joy at SHDS!
Through experiences at SHDS, students develop a strong sense of cultural pride and community involvement, ensuring a lifelong connection to their Jewish heritage.

Our Mission

Nurture innovative minds and compassionate hearts through academic excellence and Jewish values.