Student Experience


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Fostering A Culture Of Inclusivity, Creativity, And Leadership

Extracurricular activities at SHDS promote teamwork and strengthen social connections. Most Clubs meet during lunch or afternoon recess, led by SHDS faculty, parent volunteers, and local experts.

Each year, many of our students proudly participate in an annual drama performance, showcasing their talent and hard work. This extracurricular activity culminates in a full-scale theatrical production performed, operated, and experienced by the students! Opportunities to serve as an actor or part of the crew are plentiful, with past productions including beloved shows like Frozen KIDS! and Pirates of Penzance. These experiences not only hone students' public speaking skills and confidence but also foster teamwork and dedication.


Our arts program nurtures creativity and self-expression through drama, music, and art. Each year, many of our students proudly participate in an annual drama performance that consistently sells out, showcasing their talent and hard work. Opportunities to serve as an actor or part of the cast or crew are plentiful, with past productions including beloved shows like Frozen KIDS and Musicville. These experiences not only hone students' public speaking skills and confidence but also foster teamwork and dedication.
These experiences not only hone students' public speaking skills and confidence but also foster teamwork and dedication.

Clubs Include:

List of 15 items.

  • American Sign Language

  • Chess 

  • Chorus

  • Crafting

  • Debate

  • Drama

  • Drumming

  • Exploratory Art

  • Israeli Dancing

  • Library

  • Shabbat Leadership Committee

  • Sports

  • Student Council

  • Ukulele

  • Yearbook

Our club list is regularly evolving depending on interests.

Our Mission

Nurture innovative minds and compassionate hearts through academic excellence and Jewish values.