
Mission, Vision, and Values

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Cultivating Students that Explore, Question, and Develop

Our guiding principles—kindness (chesed), community (kehila), learning (limud), and repairing the world (tikun olam)—are the foundation of everything we do. Our dedicated educators are passionate about making a lasting impact, blending our rich Jewish heritage with a forward-thinking approach to education. At SHDS, we provide a supportive environment where students are inspired to explore, question, and develop.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to nurture innovative minds and compassionate hearts through academic excellence and Jewish values.

Our Vision:

Empowering students to lead lives of significance and transform our world.

Our Values

List of 4 items.

  • Repairing the World

    (Tikun Olam) תִּיקוּן עוֹלָם
    Through hands-on experiences, students discover their ability to positively impact others at local, national, and global levels. We encourage students to participate in school-sponsored opportunities, and also to create their own Tikun Olam projects.
  • Kindness

    (Chesed) חֶסֶד
    We cultivate an environment where compassion and empathy flourish. Each month, we recognize students who actively work to make the world a better place with their kindness and dedication through our Mensch of the Month announcements.
  • Learning

    (Limud) לִימוּד
    Our approach to learning emphasizes personal growth, critical thinking, and creativity. Through our dual curriculum of Jewish Studies—including Hebrew language—and general 
    studies, our students become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
  • Community

    (Kehila) קְהִלָה
    SHDS emphasizes the importance of making connections with local organizations such as the JCC, Jewish Federation, Hillel, and Menorah Park. We provide opportunities for our staff, families, and students to collaborate on mission-focused activities.

Our Mission

Nurture innovative minds and compassionate hearts through academic excellence and Jewish values.