
Israel Engagement

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The connection to Israel is ever-present, reflecting our eternal bond with the Jewish homeland. Each morning, after we recite the Pledge of Allegiance, our students sing the Israeli national anthem, fostering pride in our shared heritage.
In our classrooms we provide an in-depth education about Israel, exploring its rich history, diverse culture, and contemporary issues. Our connection to Israel is also fostered through virtual connections, such as lighting Hanukkah candles with friends in Eretz Yisrael. Students have made Am Yisrael Chai bracelets, raising funds for Magen David Adom. On Yom HaZikaron, we honor those who have fallen serving Israel. On Israel's birthday, Yom HaAtzmaut, the school comes alive with students proudly waving Israeli flags, parading around the school joyfully singing songs. These experiences deepen our students' connection to Israel and enhance their appreciation of their Jewish identity. 

Our Mission

Nurture innovative minds and compassionate hearts through academic excellence and Jewish values.