News Detail

Syracuse Rescue Mission Partnership

Our students embarked on a meaningful trip to the Syracuse Rescue Mission! At SHDS, we are deeply committed to the value of tikun olam, repairing the world, and we believe in the power of education beyond the classroom. This initiative exemplifies our commitment to hands-on learning and service to others. Students rolled up their sleeves, got their hands dirty, and planted seeds alongside the incredible team at the Rescue Mission for their garden at Crossroads Adult Home. 

The opportunity to engage with Syracuse Rescue Mission, along with Syracuse University Hillel students, left a profound impact on everyone. The experience broadened our understanding of the challenges faced by clients of the Rescue Mission and reinforced the importance of community service.  In the days after the session, a parent of a kindergarten student shared that her child was so touched by the program that she came home wanting to create her own clothing and toy drive to help others!

Our Mission

Nurture innovative minds and compassionate hearts through academic excellence and Jewish values.